

Year End Appeal

Bowsprit Programs 2021 - skills for life

Help us raise $15,000 so that Bowsprit can provide on-farpracticums to local young adults. Your year-end contribution will fund our spring and summer programs!

This summer on a farm in Maine, two Bowsprit participants, who professed not to have the ability to focus for more than ten minutes on any thing (attributed to their own ADD diagnoses), were astonished to find that they had sat quietly, blindfold, for an hour and a half, wordlessly creating their own clay worlds through guided meditations with a master potter; they sat and worked in her studio, in their neighborhood, among handmade things full of beauty and meaning. This was a program highlight for them. 

Together, later, we constructed a cob oven at the Bowsprit site, with a skilled builder, who camped and ate with us, and shared his warm outlook on life and a genuine interest in the lives of our participants.

Bowsprit Foundation curates these kinds of experiences with the knowledge that young people's capacities are often underestimated, and their ability to relate to adults or contribute to their community overlooked. This is what our programs aim to redress.

All it takes is willing neighbors, access to raw materials, and a few projects!

You can help us provide this 'good beginning'.

By connecting young adults with people and events around them that are creative, meaningful, and uplifting,

Bowsprit aims to restore the 'fertile soil' of a rich local culture and the vitality of our community. 

As an adjunct program, in keeping with our mission, this fall and winter, students from the Ecology Learning Center, a local charter school, will come to the farm and help with larger construction projects as part of their community outreach program. We are excited to continue this reciprocity and make a difference in even more young people's lives.

 Bowsprit's participants come from local public schools and agencies in Waldo, Knox, and Hancock counties in Maine.

All are welcome.

Funding helps. This Giving Tuesday we are asking you to support this important work in any way you can.

Learn more about our seasonal practicums and mentorship by calling (207) 342 2345

What Your Gift Will Accomplish

With your support, more young people will have the opportunity to thrive.
As the saying goes: 'many hands make light work'. 
Together we can buoy the next generation and build a better tomorrow. 

Your contribution will help in a variety of important ways:
  • Your gift of $25 will help to support the garden project which feeds our team and participants. 
  • Your gift of $50 supports one participant's food and lodging for one session. 
  • Your gift of $100 sponsors a young person's participation in one session. 
  • Your gift of $200 enables two young people to participate. 
  • Your gift of $1000 helps us build a cohort of young people on the path to success.

Whatever you give is awesome, and we are thankful for your support!

Please visit our website:

Support Now

Recent Activity

Name Etienne Bissonnette
Activity Type Donation
Amount $50.00
Date 01/03/22
Message Dear Graziella and Peter. Hope this finds you well in 2022. Here in Triform, we are mourning the loss of a young Downs Syndrome man who was hit tragically by our plow truck driven by a young co-worker. The family, deeply religious was amazingly forgiving but the OPWDD investigation has yet to happen. We pray for healing in the next weeks and months. I am now leading the Estate crew, enjoying planting trees, shrubs and flowers. I wish you all the best at Bowsprit. With love, Etienne
Name Malinda Curtis
Activity Type Donation, Mailing list
Amount $500.00
Date 12/23/21
Name Robert Huseby
Activity Type Donation
Amount $250.00
Date 12/23/21
Message Happy to be supporting your efforts!
Name Josephine Teverow
Activity Type Donation, Mailing list
Amount $1,000.00
Date 12/23/21
Name David Golub
Activity Type Donation
Amount $20.00
Date 12/23/21
Message Good people Good work
